Vyos rolling pdns-recursor report an error

May 27 07:49:32 vyos systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/pdns-recursor.service.d/override.conf:5: RuntimeDirectory= path is absolute, ignoring: /run/powerdns

The configuration file has not been modified. Is there a solution? Thank you

Hello @hazaki, on which version you see this output?

@Dmitry vyos rolling 0527 pdns ver 4.3.1

Hello @hazaki, can you try to comment 5 line in /etc/systemd/system/pdns-recursor.service.d/override.conf file

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/pdns-recursor.service.d/override.conf 

Add #


Tell me if it works for you, I think we need also open bug report in https://phabricator.vyos.net/.

Hi @Dmitry
After commenting out, no error is reported. I tried it before, but I don’t know what impact it will have. So I think I should talk to the official.