VyOS, the future and software ethics


when I found VyOS because I searched for a nice firewalling appliance, I noted your biz model. Well, how shall I put that. Rarely seen something from biz being as ethical as what you guys do.

Well, in another post I kinda told that I’m about to do something which requires a next gen SDN platform VyOS would be a good base for. It’s basically about reinventing how internet is thought. Obviously as human and community oriented edge where biz place is dedicated servicing via specified interfaces requiring qualified trustees (individuals of trust) as certificate authorities who can speak trust to a service after reviewing it having diverse criterias for trust. Kind of a mechanism to supress biz from going wild as we currently can see it happening.
Trustees shall be specialized humans and, since there could be more trustees a person trusts, a democratic control instance. A little peek into what I intend for human swarm interaction you find, when tuxfamiliy comes up again, here https://dory-swarm.org and meanwhile in website sources htdocs/index.html · main · Dory Swarm / Public Dory Swarm Web Site · GitLab.

Why all that? Well, look at facebook, tiktok and co. If you realize what algorithms can do to your brain, for good or worse, you might realize that it is necessary to rethink the focus of algorithms public is exposed to. Or to put it direct, toxic algorithms need to get reliably banned in a democratic way from public space instead of hooking up unprotected and unaware masses in a spiral of endorphin and cortisol rushes.

Since now I also see, that this guy who said something quite smart about AI is actually your boss :smiley: I get the impression, that this might be the right place to stick for discourse.

So let discourse begin, what’s in your mind after reading this?


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Hey Ralph!!!

We’re thrilled to have you as part of our community! :partying_face:

Your vision for a next-generation SDN platform based on VyOS is truly fascinating and aligns perfectly with our commitment to innovation and community-driven solutions. I agree with you about the impact of algorithms and the need for democratic control to prevent the exploitation of unprotected and unaware masses.

I am eager to hear more about your vision and how we can collectively work towards creating a more reliable and democratic internet experience.

Thank you for initiating this conversation, Ralph!

Best regards,

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In Device and Network Charts I’m more technically talking about a first step to do towards utilizing VyOS to be able to, at some point, ensure (as far as physical circumstances allow) basic services on the edge in a selfbalancing manner. That would change the concept of being in the net. A Human would not be an user consuming stuff, except explicitly when using trusted or not trusted services, but be participant in a set of discrete algorithms (of different types) executing a branch of common swarm causality by interacting with their devices.

Birds can use each other for estimating direction of flight of the swarm. They look they adapt, look, adapt and so on. Humans, I am convinced, can do much much more and especially, they can intentionally strive towards consent.

I think you can pretty much slice every causality down to definitions of execution you could name ticks. You interface them, set them in to the context of some data, so you build up a system of causal dynamics acting. The typical architecture stuff, just that you now can handle human interaction, intentionally and well designed, as part of the algorithmic system by simply minding the needs of concurrently executed heterogeneous systems.

I’d like to think, that we could fix some of the damage they have done. Societies will not relearn the old way to tackle the challenge of a discourse. But we do not need the old way, except as a fallback, because we could learn to do much better. Just by putting a tool to shape the own communication into communities hand and establish a honest system of trust.

For making that as possible as possible, for user devices I think of web integration. html, Js, all that client side stuff + some extras I see fit for a different discussion about the dynamics of causality. Basically a new understanding of a browser which, for user interaction, is doing pretty much the same but in a different way with a different layout and definition of what is human interaction. A bit like androids activity concept but not that bloated… for what I know last and that’s quite old.

Well, the application layer of such a convergent human swarm is a project I named “dory swarm”. The website, sadly is offline because my hoster tuxfamily is down at the moment. However I mentioned the html site (just a one site page) in above post.

I claim, that my implementation of causal dynamics can abstract everything needed for such an interaction on top of guaranteeing channels. So the challenge I’m facing soon is to build a guaranteed channel concept on top of nanomsg, it’s successor or whatever. Well, if VyOS can guarantee when dialed in via VPN, that I can connect to an IPv6 peer if it is somehow possible to reach it wherever it might be and if not to get rejected, I can guarantee the same for my channels and then I can utilize them to build communication tree’s and whatever can be abstracted on top.

That’s where I saw the biggest challenge in context of communication and VyOS induced hope to actually be able to tackle that without relying on classic cloud services for transport abstraction. Like Tor Project but not with that dark alley orientation but more like the Public WiFi Mesh just not only with wifi routers. If there is a route, it can offer that abstraction. If not, it fails… best providing a reason why it failed.
