VYOS with External Radius Accounting Timeout is too long

Dear VYOS team,
I am now using vyos with dma radius. But when I power off end deivce, vyos session takes 3minute. How to do to fast online and offline. I also config like that.
set service pppoe-server authentication radius accounting-interim-interval 15s
set service pppoe-server authentication radius acct-interim-jitter 10
set service pppoe-server authentication radius acct-timeout 10

I solved it by changing. accounting-interim-interval 15s to 10s. When I set 15s, Account Session time take estimate 3minute but 10s take a few second.

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Hi @ChoLinMaung,

Great job on resolving the issue! Thanks for sharing your insights into the resolution – it might will be helpful to other facing similar challenges.


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