WAN Load-Balancing with Container


i want to use WAN Load-Balancing. All looks fine both Interfaces are shown as up and i can ping external ips. But my local containers on vyos does not have access to the internet. The firewall rules allow the acces, i think the problem is the wan load-balancing.

Is there something i need to do?

I’m not sure if this will work.
Can you paste config? I guess that inbound-interface in this setup should be interface created for the container

Thats my load-balancing config, i already have tested with inbound-interface=any

set load-balancing wan disable-source-nat
set load-balancing wan enable-local-traffic
set load-balancing wan sticky-connections inbound
set load-balancing wan flush-connections
set load-balancing wan interface-health pppoe0 failure-count 5
set load-balancing wan interface-health pppoe0 success-count 3
set load-balancing wan interface-health pppoe0 nexthop 'dhcp'
set load-balancing wan interface-health pppoe0 test 100 type ping
set load-balancing wan interface-health pppoe0 test 100 target
set load-balancing wan interface-health bond0.103 failure-count 5
set load-balancing wan interface-health bond0.103 success-count 3
set load-balancing wan interface-health bond0.103 nexthop 'dhcp'
set load-balancing wan interface-health bond0.103 test 100 type ping
set load-balancing wan interface-health bond0.103 test 100 target
set load-balancing wan rule 10 exclude 
set load-balancing wan rule 10 inbound-interface 'bond+'
set load-balancing wan rule 10 destination address
set load-balancing wan rule 100 failover
set load-balancing wan rule 100 inbound-interface 'bond+'
set load-balancing wan rule 100 interface pppoe0 weight 100
set load-balancing wan rule 100 interface bond0.103 weight 10
set load-balancing wan rule 100 protocol 'all'

Could you show your source nat rules?

I have set a network for the containers.

set container network containers description 'Network for VyOS containers'
set container network containers prefix ''

And then set for the containers the specific address. Thats my only nat rules.

set nat source rule 100 description 'LAN -> Modem'
set nat source rule 100 destination address ''
set nat source rule 100 outbound-interface name 'bond0.107'
set nat source rule 100 translation address 'masquerade'

set nat source rule 200 description 'LAN -> VPN'
set nat source rule 200 outbound-interface name 'wg02'
set nat source rule 200 translation address 'masquerade'

set nat source rule 300 description 'LAN -> WAN'
set nat source rule 300 outbound-interface name 'pppoe0'
set nat source rule 300 translation address 'masquerade'

set nat source rule 400 description 'Block -> WAN_5g'
set nat source rule 400 exclude
set nat source rule 400 source group address-group wan_no_5g
set nat source rule 410 description 'LAN -> WAN_5G'
set nat source rule 410 outbound-interface name 'bond0.103'
set nat source rule 410 translation address 'masquerade'