Zone-Based Firewall "destination" cause failure,help!

the eth0 has multiple public addresses, like below, and I wanna set certain of eth0’s public addresses( as below) can only be access through (

Am I configuring it wrongly? Pls kindly help!

# declare zone and put interface into zone
set firewall zone WAN interface eth0
set firewall zone LAN interface eth1

  # declare firewall rule "from-wan-to-lan"
  set firewall ipv4 name from-wan-to-lan description 'WAN to LAN'
  set firewall ipv4 name from-wan-to-lan default-action accept

    # set firewall ipv4 name "from-wan-to-lan"
    set firewall ipv4 name from-wan-to-lan rule 10 protocol     all
    set firewall ipv4 name from-wan-to-lan rule 10 action       drop
    set firewall ipv4 name from-wan-to-lan rule 10 source       address !
    set firewall ipv4 name from-wan-to-lan rule 10 destination  address  # <- this cause firewall fail
  # declare firewall rule "from-lan-to-wan"
  set firewall ipv4 name from-lan-to-wan description 'LAN to WAN'
  set firewall ipv4 name from-lan-to-wan default-action accept

# apply firewall
set firewall zone WAN from LAN firewall name from-lan-to-wan
set firewall zone LAN from WAN firewall name from-wan-to-lan

Everythings works fine until I added the, this cause the rule not working:

set firewall ipv4 name from-wan-to-lan rule 10 destination  address