Current 1.4 build - Missing traffic-policy?


I just built a new image (1.4) and it seems like the “traffic-policy” configuration no longer exists. I am coming from a previous build from 2022-08-01.

Looking at the current docs it should still be there but there, has this changed into another area recently?

# edit traffic-policy

  Configuration path: [traffic-policy] is not valid
  Edit failed

Rewritten to "qos"

set qos policy

All old syntax should migrate during the update process.


I can confirm that the config was not migrated though so something appears to be wrong with the migration script.

Could you share your traffic-policy config?
show conf com | match traffic

This is the configuration that failed to be migrated:

set traffic-policy shaper ISPA bandwidth '300Mbit'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPA default bandwidth '50%'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPA default burst '768k'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPA default ceiling '100%'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPA default queue-type 'fq-codel'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPA description 'Outbound Traffic Shaper - ISPA'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPB bandwidth '300Mbit'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPB default bandwidth '50%'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPB default burst '768k'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPB default ceiling '100%'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPB default queue-type 'fq-codel'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPB description 'Outbound Traffic Shaper - ISPB'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPC bandwidth '600Mbit'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPC default bandwidth '50%'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPC default burst '768k'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPC default ceiling '100%'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPC default queue-type 'fq-codel'
set traffic-policy shaper ISPC description 'Outbound Traffic Shaper - ISPC'

I noticed the “bandwidth” parameter now is lower case in the newer release; apart from that it was a one to one map to the QOS config area.

Hi @gbe0,

thanks for the report, it will be fixed in the next rolling release (any ISO after vyos-1.4-rolling-202302110324-amd64.iso)


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