How to setup pxe and uefi boot support with dhcp service of vyos

Hi, All

I’m trying to replace dhcp server from freebsd vm to vyos. but I met a problem that is to setup pxe boot option for WDS.How to let the dhcp server support pxe and uefi boot at the same time ?

     class "pxeclient"{
        match if substring(option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "PXEClient";
        if substring (option vendor-class-identifier,15,5)="00000" {
        #BIOS client
        filename "boot\\x86\\";
        elsif substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 15,5)="00006" {
        #EFI client 32bit
        filename "boot\\x86\\wdsmgfw.efi";
                # default to EFI 64 bit
                filename "boot\\x64\\wdsmgfw.efi";


Yours Sincerely!
Steve Dong

I found the solution and it works:

set subnet-parameters "class "pxeclient"{match if substring(option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "PXEClient";"
set subnet-parameters "       if substring (option vendor-class-identifier,15,5)="00000" {  "
set subnet-parameters "      #BIOS client   "
set subnet-parameters "     filename "boot\\x86\\";   "
set subnet-parameters  "      }  " 
set subnet-parameters  "      elsif substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 15,5)="00006" {  "
set subnet-parameters   "     #EFI client 32bit  "
set subnet-parameters   "    filename "boot\\x86\\wdsmgfw.efi";  "
set subnet-parameters   "    }   "
set subnet-parameters  "    else  "
set subnet-parameters   "           {   "
set subnet-parameters   "          # default to EFI 64 bit   "
set subnet-parameters   "         filename "boot\\x64\\wdsmgfw.efi";"
set subnet-parameters   "        }"

set subnet-parameters    "} "