Struggling to execute a command over ssh


I want to execute a script over a jenkins pipline

here is the snippet

def outputVyos2 = sh(script: "sshpass -p ${pass} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${user}@${params.VyosHostname2}  '/bin/vbash -c \"source /opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template; /config/scripts/\"'", returnStdout: true).trim()

I got no output, any idea whats wrong?

Yesterday I did the same and came across the way you showed it didn’t work. What did work for me was (as mentioned in another thread by a/the developer):

ssh <remote host> "/opt/vyatta/bin/vyatta-op-cmd-wrapper show vrrp"
Name    Interface      VRID  State      Priority  Last Transition
------  -----------  ------  -------  ----------  -----------------
int     eth1              1  MASTER          200  6h53m
public  eth0            102  MASTER          200  6h53m

Maybe you can got the information with api

curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/show' \
--form data='{"op": "show", "path": ["vrrp“]}' \
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I have removed my def definition, now it works.

stage ('Prepare and Execute VRRP Check') {
        withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'vyossetuppass', passwordVariable: 'pass', usernameVariable: 'user')]) {
            sh "sshpass -p ${pass} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${user}@${params.VyosHostname2} '/bin/vbash /config/scripts/'"
            sh "sshpass -p ${pass} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${user}@${params.VyosHostname3} '/bin/vbash /config/scripts/'"

Here is my jenkinsfile to check if both vyos are running correct with show vrrp
I use the API, ssh is a bit tricky with ssh fingerprints

node('vyos-check') {
            string(name: 'VyosHostname2', defaultValue: '', description: 'Hostname of the first VyOS Vyos'),
            string(name: 'VyosHostname3', defaultValue: '', description: 'Hostname of the second VyOS Vyos'),
            string(name: 'ApiDeployKey', defaultValue: '12345666666', description: 'API Deploy Key')

    stage('Check VRRP Status') {
        script {
            env.VYOS_API_ENDPOINT1 = "https://${params.VyosHostname2}/show"
            env.VYOS_API_ENDPOINT2 = "https://${params.VyosHostname3}/show"
            def response1 = sh(script: "curl -k --location --request POST '${VYOS_API_ENDPOINT1}' --form data='{\"op\": \"show\", \"path\": [\"vrrp\"]}' --form key='${params.ApiDeployKey}'", returnStdout: true).trim()
            def response2 = sh(script: "curl -k --location --request POST '${VYOS_API_ENDPOINT2}' --form data='{\"op\": \"show\", \"path\": [\"vrrp\"]}' --form key='${params.ApiDeployKey}'", returnStdout: true).trim()

                // Assume you have logic to parse responses and determine if the setup is correct
                // This is a placeholder for your actual comparison logic
                echo "Response from ${params.VyosHostname2}: ${response1}"
                echo "Response from ${params.VyosHostname3}: ${response2}"
                // Placeholder comparison logic
                if (response1.contains("MASTER") && response2.contains("BACKUP")) {
                    echo 'VRRP setup is correct.'
                } else if (response1.contains("BACKUP") && response2.contains("MASTER")) {
                    echo 'VRRP setup is correct.'
                } else {
                    error 'VRRP setup is incorrect.'

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