Updating VyOS does not run grub-update

I’m trying to update my VyOS virtual machine from 1.4-rolling to 1.5-rolling, but it’s not added to grub boot menu somehow.

I ran:
add system image https://github.com/vyos/vyos-nightly-build/releases/download/1.5-rolling-202411070006/vyos-1.5-rolling-202411070006-generic-amd64.iso

and get (redacted for brevity):

Trying to fetch ISO file from https://github.com/vyos/vyos-nightly-build/releases/download/1.5-rolling-x/vyos-1.5-rolling-x-generic-amd64.iso...
Redirecting to x
The file is 493.000 MiB.
[#######################################################################################################################################################################] 100%
Download complete.
Checking for digital signature file...
Redirecting to x
The file is 0.334 KiB.
[#######################################################################################################################################################################] 100%
Download complete.
Checking digital signature...
Signature key id in /var/tmp/install-image.11916/vyos-1.5-rolling-x-generic-amd64.iso.minisig is x
but the key id in the public key is x
Signature check FAILED, trying BACKUP key...
Signature key id in /var/tmp/install-image.11916/vyos-1.5-rolling-202411070006-generic-amd64.iso.minisig is x
but the key id in the public key is x
Digital signature is valid.
Checking SHA256 checksums of files on the ISO image... OK.
What would you like to name this image? [1.5-rolling-x]: 
OK.  This image will be named: 1.5-rolling-x
Installing "1.5-rolling-x" image.
Copying new release files...
Would you like to save the current configuration 
directory and config file? (Yes/No) [Yes]: 
Copying current configuration...
Would you like to save the SSH host keys from your 
current configuration? (Yes/No) [Yes]: 
Copying SSH keys...
Running post-install script...

when I reboot I get the same VyOS version, looking at /boot/grub/grub.cfg it shows that the 1.5-rolling entry is not added, and the first line shows the file was not updated:
# Generated by /opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-grub-setup at Sat 03 Dec 2022 07:34:36 PM UTC

Furthermore, this old post shows a final line Setting up grub configuration... after Running post-install script..., which I don’t have.

Any ideas why this can be? My VyOS is fairly vanilla, I only added a post-commit script to /config/scripts to update DNS settings.

Hope someone has a pointer :slight_smile:

How is your box BIOS configured regarding secure boot or not but also legacy bios or uefi?

A bug report was created

We will be looking into it and update this post once we have something


Thanks, good to hear it’s not me. N.B. I’m upgrading from 1.4-rolling-202307xxxxxx, not 1.3.8, but the symptom is the same.

Yes, it was just we tested from 1.3.8, but most likely, issues have the same roots

Resolved in ⚓ T6864 Update from the 1.3.8 to the latest rolling does not work

Thanks for the quick fix! I’ll try again the coming days.