Hey all,
Wanting to get some feedback and ideas on how people automate their VyOS configurations, I lean towards Ansible as I’m comfortable with it.
I would like to share my progress with my Ansible and hopefully make a blog post about it.
Hey all,
Wanting to get some feedback and ideas on how people automate their VyOS configurations, I lean towards Ansible as I’m comfortable with it.
I would like to share my progress with my Ansible and hopefully make a blog post about it.
We have some cases, most of them for the cloud, where they are usually used. Here are custom examples with cloudformation and Terraform.
it may help as inspiration to future use cases.
Maybe Cloud-init is a good option.
Also trying to automate VyOS with Ansible. I initially tried to use the vyos collection as much as I could but ran into issues with what looked like 1.4 / 1.5 compatibility with syntax or something. I was going to spend some time to update the modules and roles to work but couldn’t get my hands on a stable release sadly, and I was just having a bad time.
I initially started templating my configuration out like this:
but that felt really clunky and awful so I started instead with this just using bash scripts which could potentially be combined with cloud-init or something else (cron-job that applies or something to make it gitopsy, idk)
Anyway that’s how I approached my automation on the handful of machines I have right now.
I’m keen to read your blog post when its available!
I don’t know if it will be of any help to you, but I thought I would share with you how we automate VyOS deployments in our SDDC.Lab project. What we’re doing may not completely apply to you, as we are note the normal use case, but it might give you some ideas.
In the playbooks folder, you’ll find 2 playbooks that deal with the VyOS router deployment and configuration. They are:
We developed Jinja2 templates to generate the VyOS configuration, and that template can be found in: templates/vyos_router.j2
Because there is no freely publicly available .OVA VyOS installation file (we wish the nightly builds would be made available via .OVA as well), we had to automate the installation of the ISO, which is what DeployRouter.yml accomplishes. Our solution is slow, not ideal, but works (for now).
We’ve had some VyOS command syntax and/or features change over the years on the nightly builds (which is to be expected), so we’ve had to just update our Jinja2 template when that occurs. Overall, VyOS has worked really well for us, and we love what the VyOS community has developed.
Good luck, and I hope this gives you some useful ideas.
If you like, you can extend the community flavors for WMware or use for this deployment: here is an example you can use: